A Beautiful, Serene and Powerful Spiritual Plateau

Thank you, Trey Lotz, for so ably and coolly delivering this confirmation action of my attaining cause over life, thought and MEST. Elimination of case. A beautiful, serene and powerful spiritual plateau accompanied by confidence in my theta perceptics and ability,...

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Attested to Clear

It is so hard for me to put in words what I was experiencing emotionally in this last session. It was feeling of absolute bliss! After realizing I am already attested to Clear I could not hold the teats of happiness! Trey made my dream to come true and he made it so...

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OT IX Success

Today, I attested to the completion of OT IX. – For the past several days, I did not know what has happened to me. I did not fully realize it till today that I had reached the EP of OT IX. I am born to a new level of tremendous OT Power. The ability of having so much...

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12 Billion Beings

I really had a fantastic session today... have been thinking of it ever since, and re-enjoying it! And I just thought "oh, I was actually postulating for a lot of beings today - some 12 billion!" and then I chuckled, yawned and seems this was valid! Very fun win!!!...

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Success Story on Certainty Processes

I have been getting Certainty processes for some time now. The results have nothing short of miracles. All throughout my life, I was faced with vast quantity of “may be’s” in different circumstances and lacking certainties. Even reading LRH materials and doing the...

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Dear Trey, This article best describes what I have been experiencing since I finished OT VIII and L11 and from Certainty Process. It best describes the magnitude and the true definition that describes it best. I am indebted to LRH and you for eternity for helping me...

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So Relieved

I just wanted to say thank you again for the great sessions! I feel so relieved of the mass and despair that were clogging up my lines. I have renewed interest in training now, too, and I’m retraining, starting on Level 0. See you in a few months at the latest! Love,...

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Truly Blessed

It is my absolute pleasure to send this Success Story to you and anyone who cares to share the positive vibes. Here goes. I am truly blessed to have connected with this man, who has given his life to helping others and open his home in which to do this. I went to Trey...

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L11 Expanded

Last Sunday (November 1st 2020), I attested to L11 Expanded (2D) – At first when I started L11 expanded, I did not have a clear idea what else is there to handle. I had completed OT VII, OT VIII and L11, so I was wondering what else will be there. As I progressed...

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Certainty Processing

Rick was in town for a week and wanted to do some auditing. We did Certainty Processing from 8-8008. You can tailor this Rundown to directly address things that are bothering the pc. It can really unstick a person from self doubt and uncertainty. Here is his success...

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A Huge Spiritual Breakthrough

Catherine has been involved in Eastern religious studies and practices for many years.. She is a published author, her most recent book, available on Amazon, is “Shortcuts to Mindfulness.” She also has a Masters degree in Psychology and has her own successful...

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L11 Life Wins-More Energy And Vitality

Steve finished his L11 about two months ago and then went back to his home in the Midwest. I was interested to see how he was doing in life after his auditing, and he sent me this update. Hi Trey, I am doing really good! My vigor has been restored. I have new energy...

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Connecting With The Truth

Suzy had been an experienced auditor in D.C and had achieved the state of Clear, but had dropped off the bridge for many years. She decided to get back on the bridge and due to her hard work and persistence, has completed L11, L12, The Solo Course, she audited herself...

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L11-A Resurgence of ARC

Steve drove out to LA from the Midwest for his first auditing in the indie field. We got a lot done in a week! We did some setups, and then confirmed his Clear status. He wrote in his Clear success story “I am certain now that I am Clear and will no longer put my...

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Assist: After 40 Years, This Condition Is GONE!

Kathy had a health challenge recently, so she looked around for an auditor and found me online. After a great effort on her part to be sessionable and to get someone to drive her several hours to get here, we were able to do this session. It is amazing what you can...

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Clear At Play In This Universe

Catherine just attested to Clear! Catherine had not ever been in the Church prior to starting her auditing with me. The first auditing we did was Dianetics Book 1. We finished that to a really good win, and started on Certainty processing. One day, when we were almost...

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Holiday Season Wins

There was no let up of auditing over the holidays. There were several people here from out of town, and we had lots of great wins and production! In the last 6 weeks we had 17 completions! 1 Life Repair 2 Grade 2x 1 Grade 4x 7 Certainty Processing 4 NOTS DRDs 1...

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I Just See The Thing For What It Is

Joe has been on his L10, and he wrote up a win that he has been having which I wanted to share. He describes a phenomena that everyone experiences on their Ls, but that is very hard to put into words. I think that Joe has done a very good job of that, and I wanted to...

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Absolutely Beyond My Expectations

Edith had been on Solo NOTS for many years in the church, and had been off the level for several years. We did some clean up and she is ready to go back and complete it this time. She told me that she had made more progress in those 5 hours of auditing than she had in...

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After This Auditing I Felt The Healing Had Begun

I had a lovely month back in my hometown, Buffalo, spending time with my mom and auditing my friends. While I was there, I audited my pcs on an L11, an Original OT 7, and 3 Certainty Auditing programs! When I got back home, Catherine arrived for a much welcomed return...

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True Mercy

I was in Scientology for a few decades, spending several years at the Flag Land Base as Sea Org staff. The ONLY P.C.'s "Blown out" were the P.C.'s in the L's HGC. There is more false data about the L's than any other auditing in the Church. As a Sea Org Member, I was...

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I Experience Myself As Free, Big, Able, And Knowing

Mary arrived here 5 weeks ago for intensive auditing. First we completed L11 where she wrote: "I am so happy, I feel like a mountain has been moved off, and my space is tall and wide!" Next was L12 where she wrote: "This is easily the 'punchiest,' the most case gain...

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Original OT 7 – Know I Can Really Cause My Life

We've had a great couple of weeks here. I did 79 hours of auditing, resulting in an L12, three Original OT 7, and two 8-8008 Certainty Auditing completions. Novia has been the very capable ED of Hellen Chen's org in Taiwan for 12 years. This org has over 100 staff and...

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Sadness And Self Doubt Are Gone

I was very touched by Dora's honest and heartfelt L12 success story. Before I started L12, I thought I was pretty secure on the subject of beingness. I didn't have any particular complaints regarding it. I am well up the bridge and well trained, so I felt cool on the...

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I Feel Calmer, More Rational

Steve was almost at the end of Grade 1 when some data came up about his last lifetime Dianetic auditing and a big win that he had at the time. We pulled the string on it, cleaned it up, and he attested to Clear! He attested to the EP of Grade1 shortly after that! Here...

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L11 Wins In Life-Somatics Are Gone, Really Gone

I am always especially happy to hear about the life wins that someone experiences from their auditing after they are back in their home environment. I have gotten several e-mails recently from people who are back home after having finished some Ls auditing, and who...

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I Am Really Really Happy

Kevin just finished his L12. He was just radiating happiness while telling us his wins. Here is his success story: WOW! L12 was so much fun. I definitely feel I recovered my basic beingness, and I can't fully explain how great that is. The future is honestly wide open...

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Tears Of Joy

Karry just attested to Clear! It was a very emotional moment for all of us. Love, Trey Here is her success story: I am truly happy! Thank you Trey for doing my clean up and Clear check. Yes! No reactive mind! And Goodbye trying to mock one up. I feel FREE once again....

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My Affinity For LIfe Has Returned

This was Dora's first auditing in the Indie field. Her last auditing didn't go well, to say the least. I have had several people with cycles like hers recently. They all cleaned up easily and they are all winning with the tech again. When someone isn't doing well, it...

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Easier To Be Happy For No Reason

Two more L12 completions last week! I also got a chance to add up my hours for the year.  Last year I audited 1750 hours. And that is the most hours I have ever audited in 44 years as a full time professional auditor! Here is Sue's L12 Success story: We cleared out so...

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No Doubt About My Ability To Create

Simone's success story shows how the Second Dynamic can be addressed to the point where a person comes completely into PT and is totally ready to create the future. No baggage from past relationships to get in the way! Here is Simone's success story: I am SO excited...

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Charge Seamlessly Handled

Joe's success story reminded me how often people have commented to me that it is such a pleasure to be audited in a safe environment, a space that is free of the kind of pressures and demands that had been making going up the bridge so difficult for them: Doing this...

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Things Revealed To Be Simple

Wendy floated out of the room after her L10 session. A minute later she floated back in and asked, "Can I write a success story?" And here it is! This level is so amazing. Each session brings insight, sometimes profound insight. Issues that once appeared to be complex...

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Occupying Much More Space

This was a great level. This level removed such huge amounts of charge that I now feel keyed out most of the time. I also am occupying much more space which of course greatly increases my feeling of freedom. I now give almost no attention to painful Incidents from my...

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A Smarter Part Of Me Is Operable Now

Hi Trey, I wanted to give you an update on my L11 wins, since my L11 success story a week ago was kind of nebulous. Right after L11, I felt like things were shifting, but I didn't know in what way. Since L11, many little physical things are falling into place in my...

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L11 Completion – Truly A New Life

I was very happy to complete my pc on L11! Here is his success story: This was the most amazing action I have ever done. Throughout the entire R/D I was blowing charge I didn't even know I had. With each auditing session, I found myself becoming more calm and stable....

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L12 – Answered Questions I have Had For A Long Time

I have been holding back on writing a success story for the last few weeks. Mostly because this level is SO personal to me, that sharing some of the awareness changes I have had I felt may invalidate others realities, and therefor I have been silent to the masses. Not...

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A Family Win

My wife and I had been estranged from our daughter for several years.  It was driving us nuts. There seemed to be no resolution to this problem. At times there was strained communications at others, there was complete disconnection. I found Trey after not seeing him...

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L11 Setups – Aleady Enjoying Myself

{I just HAD to share this with you all. It's a volunteered testimonial from a PC of Trey Lotz.' I got permission from the PC to post it here..... purr purr......... Anita} Just wanted to update you on what's happening. I was in session a couple of times today, I have...

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L11-Everything Is New And Different

I talked to Frank a few days after he returned home, and he said that everything looked new and different to him! Trey A very far and deep reaching action. I can't begin to explain how this is so, so personal to you as a static. It truly hits you right where you...

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Book 1 – A LIfe Long Anxiety Vaporized

I blew my identification with the body. There is total certainty that I will never have to get tangled up like this or get tangled up with any future body. My highly commended auditor, [[Trey Lotz]] is standardly applying BK1 auditing from the very beginning of this...

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L12-Exterior With Full Perception

Frank completed his L12 today. Exterior with full perception does not happen with everyone, but it did happen with Frank. Here is his success story: I now feel very stably exterior with full perception! This action is done fully for YOU. It is probably the most fun...

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L11-Strong Feelings Of Relief

I just completed my pc on L11. His comment was that this was the first auditing action that he had to take a walk after to fully absorb! Pierre's C/Sing was superb as always. Here is his Success Story: There are many ways to be controlled by others, and thus lose your...

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Sunbeam’s L10 Success Story

I saw and cut "puppeteer strings" which, unbeknownst to me, had been misdirecting my lives. I am back in tune with, and moving to, my own rhythmic beat- the same rhythm that my own true group moves to. I feel FREE and very much myself. I really appreciate...

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L12-Major Stable Win

My pc had a super blow out win today on his L12 auditing. His comment was "Wow, this L12 really packs a punch!" This person has never been in the church either! Here is his success story: The abilities I have gained are just out of proportion to any other action...

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More Ls Wins

There were 2 Ls wins the other day that were the kind of wins that really should be the lead story on the nightly news! The 1st is a win from L12, and the 2nd from L11. What a joy it is auditing these rundowns. Trey "It feels like giant shackles are falling off....

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Ls Wins-Blowing Mass-Changing Space

There have been some truly spectacular wins on the Ls lately. Some of them startled even me! Trey   L10 Win It is hard to put into words what happened. We found and were running something that was the exact right item for me. All of a sudden, something occurred...

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Super Power Wins

This is the first time I have audited Super Power. We did the first 5 Rundowns and it was so much fun to audit, and the results were quite spectacular! Thanks to Pierre for guiding us both through this and giving me the straight LRH data, not the made up Super Power...

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L11-Anxiety Vanished

SUCCESS!! L-11 was a very OT action. My memory improved, my anxiety connected with losing things vanished. In fact, I stopped losing things. My patience increased to infinity. It’s okay to sit in stopped traffic, to stand in a long line, to wait a long time. I’ve had...

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Sunbeam DePTSd

I've had a resurgence of energy and happiness the last couple days stemming from my last L10 session with Trey. It amazes me that the simplicity and exactness of the tech correctly applied can produce such an automatic positive effect without my having to figure it...

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The Most Fun I’ve Had

On completing L12: I now feel very stably exterior with full perception! This action is done fully for YOU. It is probably the most fun I've had in all my years of auditing. It truly is a very personal action that will be quite unique for everyone. Thanks to all! -...

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Win on L10 – Puppeteer Strings

I saw and cut "puppeteer strings" which, unbeknownst to me, had been misdirecting my lives. I am back in tune with, and moving to, my own rhythmic beat- the same rhythm that my own true group moves to. I feel FREE and very much myself. I really appreciate Trey's...

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I would like to validate the skill, kindness, lovingness of my auditor Trey Lotz. I came to him with the goal of handling my ongoing problem of being overweight. We located an outside influence which was greatly affecting this problem and handled it in session. Thank...

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An Eternal Friend

The items I came to get handled have been handled to my satisfaction to my delight. It's been years since I had auditing. Trey is a true pro-never missed a read, never a hint of invalidation or evaluation. And, he's real, with a great sense of humor and a love of new...

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