I had a lovely month back in my hometown, Buffalo, spending time with my mom and auditing my friends.

While I was there, I audited my pcs on an L11, an Original OT 7, and 3 Certainty Auditing programs!

When I got back home, Catherine arrived for a much welcomed return to begin her L10 set ups. I love being able to share this very powerful and vividly written win with you.

Her success story says it all.

I’ve had some powerful magical conversations in this Scientology adventure.

I admit most of them have been with Trey, he doesn’t seem to have an issue with my wild wild lives.

I usually tone down my conversations to accommodate the reality of the other person, but I haven’t found that necessary with Trey.

L12 was more magical than anything I had ever hoped to experience.

And, I started this review with a goal in mind, which is interesting to me now, because I have never set a goal for auditing before. Maybe that in itself was a result of having done L12. There was something I wanted to know about and understand, and I had that set in my mind before I started this review.

It only hit me halfway down the block after I left from the review I had made that goal.

There was something else I had been trying to figure out too, some oversight way back when, when a project went off the rails. By the time I reached the end end of the block, heading for my car, my oversight on that came to view. I had not made accommodations for security. So, I was able to own that.

I never thought about a review being very significant before, in terms of headway, but by the time I got into my car, I started to feel like pancake syrup spilling all over the Earth. I pulled out on the highway and I thought I should probably get off the road, as I was so exterior the road was moving way far to the right then way far to the left as I was trying to re position myself into a stable point of view to drive from.

I had a long drive, about six hours. I drove through the night thinking someday, it would be a good idea, if driving this exterior was illegal.

When I arrived at my final destination, the sun was coming up in the desert. All I wanted in this universe, was to lay down on the soft wet grass in front of my home, feel the blades of wet grass across my hands as I smoothed my hands across it, smell the Earth, open my mouth, and taste it.

The auditing before this, was to stop the bleeding. After this auditing, I felt the healing had begun.

On some level, I guess I could say it was some kind of “whole track life repair”.

I am so glad to be in this time and space, and know that I am in the right place at the right time, and whoever’s time or whatever’s time it is, doesn’t really matter any more. I can accept help from some one else and just be glad about it. Being a guest in someone else’s universe, is something I am willing to experience again.

And I have Trey to thank for this experience of being lifted above a chronic doubt condition, and out of my “trust issues”.

Not to suggest I will spend my trust foolishly. Just that I feel it is unstuck and I can move it around and shift it again and it is fluid and not in a fixed position of mistrust.

This has freed me away from distances I could not close for a long time.

Yes, I wish everyone could feel this feeling I have today.

Thank you Trey.

