Original OT 7 – Know I Can Really Cause My Life

We’ve had a great couple of weeks here.
I did 79 hours of auditing, resulting in an L12, three Original OT 7, and two 8-8008 Certainty Auditing completions.

Novia has been the very capable ED of Hellen Chen’s org in Taiwan for 12 years. This org has over 100 staff and is the largest independent org in the world!

Here is her success story:

Doing these sessions, I feel so keyed out, and I did rehab my ability to make my intention happen.

Before, if something happened I had wished would happen, I thought it had happened by accident, because ‘I am lucky’. I didn’t believe I actually had the ability to make my intention happen.

But from these sessions, I found that all my intentions in the past really had happened in my real life.
That surprised me!

I now know I have this ability. I really can cause my life.

Thanks to my dear auditor Trey.



I Experience Myself As Free, Big, Able, And Knowing

Mary arrived here 5 weeks ago for intensive auditing.
First we completed L11 where she wrote:

“I am so happy, I feel like a mountain has been moved off, and my space is tall and wide!”

Next was L12 where she wrote:

“This is easily the ‘punchiest,’ the most case gain auditing I have ever had, and also the best time I have had in this lifetime, to say the least!

Then we embarked on her OT 5-NOTS which she finished today with a spectacular win!

“I completed NOTS today!

I experience myself in the world as free, big, able, and knowing, an immortal being who has never been anything else except when going down to have a game. This was achieved using LRH tech and by telling the Truth, My Truth!

This was not the “Self” I brought with me to Trey’s auditing room several weeks ago, a Self which was full of many things which weren’t me and weighed me down until I no longer recognized or could be “Myself Without Additives.”

Auditing is the high road to freedom and ability.

Thank you Trey for being a world-class auditor and for making this freedom possible.

No one, NO ONE should depart this life without completing OT 5!!


True Mercy

I was in Scientology for a few decades, spending several years at the Flag Land Base as Sea Org staff. The ONLY P.C.’s “Blown out” were the P.C.’s in the L’s HGC. There is more false data about the L’s than any other auditing in the Church. As a Sea Org Member, I was told the L’s were just more “sec checks”.

This is so far from the truth it pisses me off. I am very sorry when I see the anti-marketing and rumors spread about the L’s. Upon finishing two L’s, I received an email from someone saying , “I know what the L’s are because I read THE INTERNET”.

I researched the Internet and what is up there is such an alter is, and is so misleading, I can not begin to tell you.

L’s are a MAKE RIGHT experience not a MAKE WRONG experience.

The Ls are a true MERCY experience in Scientology and is truly spiritual relief.

For myself I can you, I did not have a religious experience in Scientology until I went through 2 L’s.

There was NO make right experience until the L’s.

I just have to publish this here because these are the only experiences I have had in the game where I could be right in an auditing session, all the way across the boards. And the odd thing is, because of this mercy, I have risen above the condition of degraded being. I am sharing here, because this is vital information.

Trey, Thank you for this. You are very right all of the way. You are so right I see a new standard in all of this.

The Oracle

After This Auditing I Felt The Healing Had Begun

I had a lovely month back in my hometown, Buffalo, spending time with my mom and auditing my friends.

While I was there, I audited my pcs on an L11, an Original OT 7, and 3 Certainty Auditing programs!

When I got back home, Catherine arrived for a much welcomed return to begin her L10 set ups. I love being able to share this very powerful and vividly written win with you.

Her success story says it all.

I’ve had some powerful magical conversations in this Scientology adventure.

I admit most of them have been with Trey, he doesn’t seem to have an issue with my wild wild lives.

I usually tone down my conversations to accommodate the reality of the other person, but I haven’t found that necessary with Trey.

L12 was more magical than anything I had ever hoped to experience.

And, I started this review with a goal in mind, which is interesting to me now, because I have never set a goal for auditing before. Maybe that in itself was a result of having done L12. There was something I wanted to know about and understand, and I had that set in my mind before I started this review.

It only hit me halfway down the block after I left from the review I had made that goal.

There was something else I had been trying to figure out too, some oversight way back when, when a project went off the rails. By the time I reached the end end of the block, heading for my car, my oversight on that came to view. I had not made accommodations for security. So, I was able to own that.

I never thought about a review being very significant before, in terms of headway, but by the time I got into my car, I started to feel like pancake syrup spilling all over the Earth. I pulled out on the highway and I thought I should probably get off the road, as I was so exterior the road was moving way far to the right then way far to the left as I was trying to re position myself into a stable point of view to drive from.

I had a long drive, about six hours. I drove through the night thinking someday, it would be a good idea, if driving this exterior was illegal.

When I arrived at my final destination, the sun was coming up in the desert. All I wanted in this universe, was to lay down on the soft wet grass in front of my home, feel the blades of wet grass across my hands as I smoothed my hands across it, smell the Earth, open my mouth, and taste it.

The auditing before this, was to stop the bleeding. After this auditing, I felt the healing had begun.

On some level, I guess I could say it was some kind of “whole track life repair”.

I am so glad to be in this time and space, and know that I am in the right place at the right time, and whoever’s time or whatever’s time it is, doesn’t really matter any more. I can accept help from some one else and just be glad about it. Being a guest in someone else’s universe, is something I am willing to experience again.

And I have Trey to thank for this experience of being lifted above a chronic doubt condition, and out of my “trust issues”.

Not to suggest I will spend my trust foolishly. Just that I feel it is unstuck and I can move it around and shift it again and it is fluid and not in a fixed position of mistrust.

This has freed me away from distances I could not close for a long time.

Yes, I wish everyone could feel this feeling I have today.

Thank you Trey.

